Special Olmpics NY Oath

Special Olmpics NY Oath
"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt"~Athlete Oath

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

You know you are hooked when.... from Special Olympics Coach!

How do you know when you are hooked?  When you hear a parent who has received Family of Year award say, "thank you for taking my daughters out of the stands and putting them on the laying field where they belong."  When you see the smile of an athlete the first time they accomplish something they have tried to do. When you watch an athlete take what they have learned on those playing fields and apply it to the rest of their life.  When you think about all the great friends you have made all across New York State.  These are just some of the reasons that Special Olympics is my healthy addiction.
Coach/Volunteer - Kathi Nolan!

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