Special Olmpics NY Oath

Special Olmpics NY Oath
"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt"~Athlete Oath

Friday, November 21, 2014

The reason why I became a Global Messenger

Special Olympics not only offers sports to athletes. Athletes can become a Global Messenger if they have a voice in Special Olympics, I know I have a voice in Special Olympics!

  I became a Global Messenger so can I tell everybody what a great organization Special Olympics and why is so important. Also I get to my story and how Special Olympics affects my life. Also how they help me who I am today. I have done so many speeches to the public and fundraisers for Special Olympics. I am looking forward to speaking at schools and business in the near future. I am also looking forward having the chance to tell others how they can get involve.

Please let me know if you like to hear me speak at a local business, schools or even fundraisers.



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