Special Olmpics NY Oath

Special Olmpics NY Oath
"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt"~Athlete Oath

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Adventures of a Special Olympic Mom

Let me introduce myself...my name is Susan Sanchez or in the world of Special Olympics I am Katy's mom. Not just any mom....Katy's mom. I have the honor of being in that very elite club of Special  Olympic Parents. Not any parent can be a member. It only for those of us who have children who participate in Special Olympics. It is a life changing organization , at least for me and my family it was. Special Olympics helped Katy bloom into the soaring butterfly she now is and I have to say I have enjoyed watching it and being ...well being Katy's Mom.

From that first moment that I dropped her off at basketball practice so many years ago until now when she has just told her story to 700 people and brought them to tears. It has been an amazing journey so far and as I write again on this blog I will pass along more amazing adventures of Katy and being her Mom.

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