Special Olmpics NY Oath

Special Olmpics NY Oath
"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt"~Athlete Oath

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Adventures of a Special Olympic Athlete

   My name is Katy Sanchez , I am Special Olympic Athlete and Global Messenger.  The sports I participate are soccer, golf, floor hockey, basketball, track and field, cycling and triathlons.  I started Special Olympics in 2007. I started with basketball, I fit in right away and start playing and I said my parents I want to join the Special Olympics and they went for it because they want me to happy and the rest is history!

    I enjoy spreading the word about Special Olympics. I like to talk about Special Olympics because its a wonderful cause. I get to talk about my experiences. I also like to get people to change their hearts and minds about seeing us with disabilities and to see the challenges we face everyday. In Special Olympics we show them our abilities! 

Here is my quote about Special Olympics "Never look back. Always look forward to your future and what it will bring to you. We are here to make a difference in the lives of others. Chose to be inspired by acts of others and make a difference".

        This a picture of some of the Special Olympics NY Hudson Valley staff, coaches and athletes!

More to come.....

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