Special Olmpics NY Oath

Special Olmpics NY Oath
"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt"~Athlete Oath

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Beautiful Poems written by Jessica Spitz, Special Olympics NY Athlete

Jessica Spitz
Poem 1 of 3:
Someone says I wiggle
Someone says I giggle
People say i am different
People say I am weird
People say I cant do anything
But look at me
just look at wonderful me
I make people smile
I make people laugh
I can do anything
That’s the beauty of me

~Jessica Spitz 


Poem 2 of 3:
Do you need a friend
Do you need a voice
Do you need hope
Do you need love
I will be your friend
I will be your voice
I will bring you hope
I will give you love
My name is special Olympics~Jessica Spitz


Poem 3 of 3:
Some people may not have words
Some people may not have friends
Some people might have a hard time at school
Some people need acceptance
Some people need a family
Sports turn into words
Team turns into friends
Hard times become fun times
Special Olympics gives acceptance
Special Olympics is a family~Jessica Spitz

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