Special Olmpics NY Oath

Special Olmpics NY Oath
"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt"~Athlete Oath

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer Games

Summer Games were held June 5th to 7th, 2015 at Brockport!  The weather was nice. All the athletes had a great time! We all did our best! It was homecoming for big Special Olympics event!! Last they held a big Special Olympics event was 1979!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hi!  Katy's Mom here! Wow! Time sure flies!  Seems just like yesterday I was sitting in the bleachers cheering on The Hockey Team!  Since then a basketball tournament at Marist College occurred. Katy has spoken at several venues, amazing me every time!  Track and Field trials are done, and West Point is just around the corner! But as I sat at the last Hockey game it occurred to me how really amazing all these moms are!  Together we have years of experiences, thousands of miles driven and hundreds of events participated in!  And even after all these years we all have smiles on our faces and more love in our hearts for our athletes!  So here is my tribute to all the moms and dads who make sure their athletes are super stars.  Cheers to the entourage!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Polar Plunge

I am one was the many athletes who did the Fishkill Polar Plunge! It was it my first time doing it! I had so much fun! I did it with a staff of Special Olympics NY. Since I am a Global Messenger to, I spoke at this Fundraiser! It was amazing!! Thank you for your support, like I said It truly means to us athletes and the Special Olympics NY staff!

Here are some pics: